Saif Ali Khan, who is planning to make a film on late Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, says his father was like a prince and he is like him in some ways.
“He is a very special person. We have a memory of an amazing role model. He never told us what to do, he had expectations and we tried to lead by it. He had a funny sense of humour. He was like a prince, dignified and very down to earth person, who respected money and people,” Saif told us.
Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi was former captain of the Indian cricket team. He was the titular Nawab of Pataudi from 1952, until 1971.
On making film on Pataudi, Saif said, “I am still working on it (the film). We are trying to find as much footage as we can, as there was not much footage available in those days. There are things but I haven’t found much. Once we get it we will make it,” Saif said.
Saif would like to highlight the 60s phase of his father’s life in the film.
“I think he liked the 60s phase. He thought it the best phase as he was playing his best cricket. I think his life was cricket and I think, he was little unhappy when he couldn’t play. He was not attached to things,” he added.
Like father, like son, the ‘Agent Vinod‘ actor does thinks he is like his father in some ways.
Source: MSN
Saif Ali Khan Says I am like my father in some ways
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